Can HEETS Sticks Help Quit Smoking?

Can HEETS Sticks Help Quit Smoking - spherexinc

Heets dubai are known for their amazing and unique product, heets sticks. The availability of cigarettes has arguably led to an increase in smoking, one would then wonder if the presence of a much better substitute can become a remedy or serve as a means to enable people quit smoking. Heet tobacco sticks have recently become the go-to choice since the inception of the Iqos which was designed to be used together.

About HEETS and IQOS

The wonderful innovation of Iqos tobacco heating system, made it a reality that a person can fully enjoy the taste of teal tobacco without smoke, fire, ash and unpleasant odor. All this was made possible because of the heat control technology, it heats up the tobacco in HEETS tobacco sticks, rather than burning it just as it is done with the traditional cigarettes. While traditional cigarettes have caused teeth problems, the iqos device has been able to solve these and eliminate it completely hence users do not experience discoloration on the skin and teeth. This is made possible because unlike the traditional cigarettes HEETS tobacco sticks do not produce any smoke. This has put Heets sticks in a position whereby they offer you pleasure and the needed satisfaction without deteriorating your health as would traditional cigarettes.

Can HEETS Sticks Help Quit Smoking About - spherexinc

Can Heets Sticks Help Quit Smoking?

Heets sticks are the closest you will have to the original thing and this time with more benefits. The Iqos device used alongside the Heets tobacco sticks, were developed to serve as an alternative to traditional smoking. That is why it is dedicated to adult tobacco users. The amazing technology used allows the aerosol released during smoking not to create any unpleasantness associated with a hard to remove intense odor, which is usually a nuisance and problem to those around most traditional cigarette users. It will be to say that least that heets sticks are better. They significantly influence the comfort of using tobacco products for both the smoker and the surrounding environment.

Can HEETS Sticks Help Quit Smoking Heets Sticks Help Quit Smoking - spherexinc

To Conclude

Both the Iqos tobacco devices and heets tobacco sticks along with their dedicated chargers and cases are available on iqos UAE, you can also check the website and other stationary retailers. Some people have the believe that since these devices serve as a better substitute to traditional cigarettes, it may be able to enable a person quit smoking. However, others do not share the same view, they do believe that with time it may help reduce the use of traditional cigarettes but not stop it necessarily.


Buy HEETS or IQOS devices:

Can HEETS Sticks Help Quit Smoking - spherexinc
Ralf McDowell

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Cyclist, hustler, fender owner, hand letterer and growthhacker. Acting at the sweet spot between beauty and sustainability to express ideas through design. I'm fueled by craft beer, hip-hop and tortilla chips.

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